Saturday, December 16, 2006
On My Own
okay, this is officially going to be my last post.
in blogger. hee.
(at least i think it is..)
was supposed to meet jiahui at 2 30pm but we ended up meeting at 3 15pm? this happens almost every time we girls meet now. headed to vivocity. i got my mac eyeliner, at last. also, the top at topshop that i wanted the other day and another top from forever21. bought a pencil case from thirtysevendegrees. omg, a pencil case. me buying a pencil case, it sounds as if i'm actually excited for school to start. mango was having a crazy sale but i had not enough moolah to buy anything fancier than a plain basic top. so i resisted the urge to waste away what remaining money i had left. jiahui and i were going to almost every restaurant to browse through their menus and choose where to eat. however, we ended up eating at bk yet again. took a bus back and kewei's sister got on the bus at katong!
and so right now, i'm wondering what the fuck am i going to do tomorrow. they'll be having church and i'll probably be waking up at 2 30pm, having late brunch and lazing around in my house.
i'm hungry again but i'm trying to persuade jh to not cook some noodles for herself. supper is sinful, don't you know?
shit, we just sinned then. dammit, i'm such a fat cow. having cup noodles at 2am in the morning! it is yummy though..
my new blog(:
you gotta wait for a new post though. lololol
three cheers for vanity - 12:41 AM
Thursday, December 14, 2006
It won't hurt to find love in the wrong place
i am finally blogging. what tiring day today. i woke at an ungodly hour- 9am. well, at least it is an ungodly hour to me, especially during the holidays. was ultra late for tuition, i think? anyway, i wasn't sure what the heck i was doing with that compass and protractor that was in my hand. i was just blindly following instructions that was being thrown to me. my mind is being a fucking sloth. i really wonder how am i gonna cope next year.
joy and jh went to parkway while i headed to harbourfront mrt, twenty-six bus stops away from katong. met them at palawan beach after being a loner for almost two hours. i had to buy extra shorts just because i forgot to bring an extra pair to change into! $23 for a plain brown pair of cotton(?) shorts. alyssa and i tried to tan but the sun was being a shy bitch. we ended up fiddling with the sand. how sad. haha. lighting and thunder soon came to join the party and we were forced to leave the beach. went to clean up at the showers. there was a freaking "guy" in the female toilet! he/she was holding his/her breast and talking/joking about it to his/her friends while walking around the cubicles. okay, i'm so evil. :(
took a bus, or should i say, took a few buses over to vivocity. had carl's jr for dinner! my first time eating after so many missed opportunities. it was immensely filling but extremely delicious. i can't wait to eat there again. walked around vivo with alyssa! here comes the scary part. i wanted to buy two tops. when we went to pay, i found out from them that my topshop card was damaged (i really don't know how it happened). no sweat, the salesperson gave me a form to fill up to get it replaced and i paid for my tops with my atm card as i began to fill the form up. then she alerted me that my card was being denied with a very annoyed look on her face. fuck it. i figured i didn't have enough cash to buy two tops so i just bought one. i was so embarrassed! i couldn't even get to buy eyeliner. took a train home and went to dy's house to collect the jersey that i had left with him three weeks ago during the adidas sale. and within that span of an hour or so, they all couldn't stop teasing me about every action that i did and every word i uttered! i was so tired from laughing. no, actually, i was tired from trying to control my laughter but failing. the dog of dy's neighbour was being so hostile! mitchell sent me home after that. was feeling sooooooooo honoured. happy now? lol. please don't get emo, thank you very much!
going to buy school books tomorrow. i can't recall where i placed my book list. gah. wonder where are we going after that. i want to sleep after this post but i hate the part where i have to force myself to fall asleep. every night is like torture for me. i'm sleeping next to my grandma and her snoring is enough to make one register for an asylum. she snores even when she's just half alseep. how's that?! and it's not just regular snoring but all sorts of weird breathing noises too. thank God for non-tech savvy grandmothers, she won't be reading this.
oh, and i have concluded that i can never ever walk out of a hair salon satisfied. my hair is kinda in a mess right now, all thanks to my very bright idea of having a haircut without prior planning. sometimes i truly hate myself!
three cheers for vanity - 1:16 AM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
A dream is a wish your heart makes
quite a few happenings after the previous post. but first off, happy birthday joe!
went to celebrate his birthday yesterday. had dinner at some indonesian restaurant in clarke quay. loads of people turned up. was fun. it's been a long time since we all went out like that. but too bad, dy wasn't there. took a bus home with alyssa, xiang, bulu and aldie. bulu and aldie walked me home. i was feeling sooo honoured. hehe.

had family dinner on thursday night then headed down to sasa's chalet. guess i missed out alot of fun. anyway, watched them play mahjong for a while, took pictures, drank some sprite and coke vodka haha. jiahui and kewei got bloody high! ran here and there trying to try and get them to stop. then after a while april too got drunk. everyone was trying to get them to tone down. omg. it was such a tiring night. however, they managed to calm down after a few hours. some of them went to buy prata from simpang. we checked out at 10am. april wasn't too well but she recovered after resting at clarissa's house. we took a cab home. i saw a car accident right after it happened while the taxi took a turn at a junction nearby my house. the taxi had to passed by the smashed up car and i
HAD to see what happened to the driver. i totally regret it. it was horrible. what a scene to see early in the morning. took a bath and plopped onto my bed.
i had my navel pierced on tuesday. at last. after debating for like, almost a year! gonna go to hair secrets later to cut my hair. i have no idea how it's going to turn out. i just pray/hope/wish that it will turn out nice. prettyprettyprettyplease.
three cheers for vanity - 3:06 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Dear infatuation, hear me sigh
- Available: lol.A - Age: 15 years and 3 months old.A - Annoyance: insects, kids making noise, teachers, school, tuition and homework/exams.B - Best friend(s): the 6 girls, huifang, dy, mitch, aldie, joe, az, nooraini.B - Band(s): blink182!B - Birthday: 29th september(:C- Crush: HAHA. loads. C - Country: london.C - Cat: Ginger, Patches and Wendy!D - Dead pet's name: Jackie (dog) and Pinkie (cat) and a dozen no-names (fishes).. :(D - Dad's name: Javis.D - Dogs: maybe next time! can't wait.E - Easiest person to talk to: joy, jiahui, huifang, mitchell.E - Eggs: NO HARDBOILED EGGS PLEASE and ew, egg yolk.E - Email: aglamoursuicide@hotmail.comF - Favorite colour(s): brown, black, grey, white, blue, purple and the list goes on..F - Food: spaghetti and fast food!F - Foreign language: i would love to learn French.G - Gummy bears or worms?: gummy bearzzzz!G - God: i believe God's there.G - Good times: are abundant with good friends and a large dose of laughter.H - Hair colour: dark brown.H - Height: 168cm.H- Happy: trying to be(:I - Ice cream: PHISH FOOD.I - Instrument: drums are awesome.I - Idol: no one in particular but i admire people who are able to pick themselves up failure after failure.
J - Jewelry: is the key to some outfits.J - Job: did i ever have one?J - Jokes: what does a man consider a seven course meal? a hotdog and a six pack of beer!K - Kids: none? okay. fine. ONE?K - Karate: zilch.K - Kung Fu: bruce lee. jet li! jackie chan? lol.L - Love or lust: like they say, love makes the world go round.L - Longest car ride: i can't remember but it was a road trip from Perth to Albany, to Pemberton and then to Margaret River.L - Lipstick or chopstick?: lipstick please. M - Milk flavour: ew. chocolate?M - Mother's name: Magdalene.M - Movie last watched: Casino Royale!N - Number of siblings: one.N - Name of siblings: Jaryl.N- Name: Melissa!O - One wish: i'll get back to you on this.O - One phobia: losing any of my five senses.O - Otter pop: ?P - Parents, are they married or divorced: married.P - Part of your appearance you like best: i don't know. :(P - Part of your personality you like best: open-mindedness?Q - Quick or slow?: depends.Q - Queer or straight?: straight.Q - Queen or king?: queen.R - Reason to smile: friends and family!R - Reality TV show: american's next top model?R - Right or left: right.S - Song last heard: Desafinado- Frank SinatraS - Sex: Female.T - Time you woke up: 12pm.T - Time Now: 12 58amT - Time for bed: no idea.U - Unknown: =): please tell me your name!!!U - Unicorns: are so special! if only they existed..U - U are: just a girl at heart. V- Vegetable you love: CORN. corncorncornnnn.V - Vegetable you hate: bittergourd!
V - View on politics: i am trying to grasp as much as i can from whatever sources i can get hold of.W - Worst habit: LAZING AROUND DOING NOTHING AT ALL (maybe snacking). it's a sin, i tell you.W - What's up: the sky?X - X-rays: Jaws. lol! for my bracesX - X-rated: lol. more for the guys.Y - You have something to say?: i should really start doing something useful for myself or for the people/environment/society.Y - Year it is now: 2006.Y - Yellow: kewei, the yellow lover.Z - Zoo animal: polar bearsss. the zoo is gonna move them to Germany.. :(Z - Zodiac: libra; i'm the scales! that explains why i'm so indecisive.Z - Zoolander: never got to watch it. ben stiller's in it though, if i'm not wrong. ought to pretty funny?
decided to do this to waste space in this post. went for tuition just now. had my nails painted again! ten bucks for a full manicure and it's really not bad, i must say. painted it a nice deep blue colour.. and i ruined two of my painted fingernails in less than one hour after leaving the shop. how great. will be going to marina square tomorrow, off to bed!
edited, 2 18am}
hah, surprise. i'm still around.
Friendster Horoscope for December 5, 2006
Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)
The Bottom Line
Very good news is coming your way today -- find another person to share it with!
In Detail
Very good news is coming your way today, and you need to find another person to share it with! It doesn't matter whether this person totally understands the magnitude of your relief or happiness -- what matters is that this person knows how to have fun. Celebrations like this call for creativity, and although you have tons of that, you need a collaborator. Think of the friend you can always have a good time with; then call her or him up and make plans for tonight!
ha. what good news could it be..? i wonder.
three cheers for vanity - 12:03 AM
Sunday, December 03, 2006
When will you come a-knocking on my door?
this is my 93rd post. what the hell. even marcus has hit his 100th post and i'm still at my 93rd post.
i just stayed at home again for the entire fucking day. joy and jiahui have gone on an exciting double date with their boyfriends while i'm stuck at home with my mom, grandmother and a bunch of cousins, both toddlers and adults, whom i don't even remember their names. God, those toddlers can get so irritating. running around screaming, shouting and entering rooms like it's their own house and then falling down and crying their lungs out after that. you'd think that they'll stop, at least for some time, after getting hurt, but nooo, in less than five minutes, they're back up on their feet making mischief again.
my grandmother has come back to stay over. my poor cats are being locked up again. i woke up at 3pm thinking of having at least a peaceful house to relax in and do whatever i please while this mundane day passes. guess i was wrong. i couldn't even get to eat koko crunch for brunch as my maid had to cook some fish noodles, which i kind of hate, just because my grandmother was coming over for lunch too. then she suggested ordering pizza and kfc for dinner, but my cousins were coming over to view the jewellery my mum had made and might be staying for dinner, so all we're gonna have for dinner is fried beehoon with chicken wings and maybe some fishballs.
joy can't get her navel piercing anymore ( :( ), so that leaves just me alone to suffer during the healing process, especially in school! oh man. can you imagine doing pe. omg. anyway, decided to get it done on wednesday. hope there'll be space to fit me in their schedule.
went to parkway with my mom yesterday. the carpark was unbelievably packed! it took us a long time to get a space. i had planned to order contact lenses from the optical shop BUT after conducting a short eye test, the optician said that it would be better if i came back wearing my spectacles so that she could conduct a proper eye test for me as she thinks that my degree might have gone down. but to me, it feels as though my degree has gone up instead. i can't imagine stepping into parkway with my spectacles! so fugly. argh. after that, we headed to jack's place to have our dinner. it's been eons since we last sat down and chatted about random things like we did yesterday.
when i got home yesterday night, i did what i normally would do before going into the house; look up and check out the moon and stars for that night. i noticed a big halo around the almost full moon last night. it was beautiful! my brother's girlfriend was at my house. i tested out the new games that he bought (four!). he wanted me to play tony hawk's project 8 (he bought a ps3 a few weeks ago when it came out). so after a failed attempt at trying out skate tricks, i just kept creating new skaters in the game. hahaha. how retarded. the soundtrack in the game was pretty good. +44 was inside! after he sent his gf home, he took over the controller and i just watched him play. he was in a good mood and that was awesome. laughs were constant and we were making fun of everything. it's been ages since that happened(: he changed the game to superman returns after a while. superman is über cool. his health is the buildings' health. lol!
everyone seems to have something to do.. or somewhere to go.. everyday. why is it not the case for me? i don't seem to have any talents that i could hone on. i can't seem to find any hidden talents in myself either. maybe i really am that useless. haha. fuck, that sounded so emo.
three cheers for vanity - 6:29 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
To write love on her arms
okay, so i really wasn't kidding. i quit yesterday. please don't ask me why! i don't know exactly why either.. i wasted my entire day yesterday but at least i got to explore the newly opened ikea at tampines. haha. whatever, they're now at work while i'm rotting at home. sometimes i hate myself.
i have been staring at that paragraph for close to two hours and i still do not know what else to write. might edit this post as i try to get past this painfully unexciting day.
edit- 6.30pm}
okay, i have decided on a photosplash on my trip to london and paris earlier this year!
my cousin's wedding day.

Harrods was gigantic!

funny buskers. (check out that cutie in the second picture)

quirky and weird shoes in a shoe shop along Bond Street.
these weren't the strangest.

pretty cake from Harrods.

a shop in Covent Garden.

my cousin's cat. she actually posed for the camera!

Arc De Triomphe.
it was within walking distance from the hotel i stayed at!

huge Louis Vuitton building.

Effiel Tower!

Place de la Concorde.

couldn't resist. haha

The Panthéon.

i can't seem to remember what this building is.

The Louvre Museum. the painting of Mona Lisa is in here but i didn't get to see it.

the Notre Dame Cathedral. queue was extra long!
restaurant on a boat!

Palais Garnier. an opera house.

Disneyland in Paris!

my cousins(:

back in London.
The Buckingham Palace during the change of guards. (extremely bad shots)

look at all those people picnicking and suntanning on the grasspatches!

Westminster Abbey and Big Ben(:

the London Eye! (ugly photo. plus the crane further spoils the entire photo!)

ultra modern buildings.

the Tower Bridge.

the Tower Of London.

three cheers for vanity - 3:39 PM